Thursday, November 29, 2007

Random Pick of the Week: Grizzly Bear – Shift

‘Random Pick of the Week’ is just pure randomness – or not. Its songs that I really can’t figure out where to place and are posted up anyways because – well, just because'

I remember watching Science of Sleep, but I find that it’s even easier to remember when I’m listening to Grizzly Bear’s ‘Shift’. Michel Gondry sure has a way of creating this unique, bizarre little world that he keeps guarded in its own little circle. Science of Sleep is by far the strangest movie I’ve seen, but then again, I’ve seen stranger, but I couldn’t help myself from being completely engulfed and lost in its storyline and atmosphere. Gondry makes connecting the seams between scenes and music, seem so easy and effortless; you know you’ve done something right, when your own work can be so affecting on people.

|mp3| Grizzly Bear - Shift

‘Shift’ can easily be filled into a slot for background music to one of those real, genuine stories of human life, the kinds that win the Cannes film award. The best thing about Grizzly Bear’s music is that it seems as though they’re writing music based on a screenplay, based on a story that’s so vividly imagined while music is created thus layered in the background, bringing scenes after scenes to life.