A not to shabby cover art for the album done by Stanley Donwood using the photographic etching technique, placing prints into acid baths, is one to be impressed by, in fact so impressed, that Stereogum wants you, yes you to name the orange blob in the middle. Some other fans got themselves busy predicting and coming up with their own interpretations, you can check that out here and tell me which one you like, I vote for the baby. I mean I would’ve went for the baby, but blobs it seems, is just more damn appealing – oh, well.
I listen to the album; I think Sigur Ros and I listen to it a bit more, and it made me realize that Radiohead does sound a fair bit like Coldplay and Muse but with an inaccessibility that’s profound and filled with depressing tones, yet still capable of propelling each song to a state of grandiosity that’s difficult to achieve by bands like Coldplay and Muse. I feel like its music to all music, which makes it the best type of music there is. Oh screw it, here are some – love them as much as I do.

|mp3| Radiohead – Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
|mp3| Radiohead – All I Need