Skatterbrain first picked up on these guys, a majority other blogs soon followed and now here I am. I’ve been meaning to write about this noise-pop quartet from Indonesia for quite some time now, but you know how it is around here so the thought kept being pushed to the back of my mind. Anyway, I feel like whatever these guys are doing, they’re doing it remarkably well and they’ve nailed every note, every chord, every sound right down pat to shoegaze perfection-- or rather tweegaze perfection. I like to think that there’s a slightly Asian twang to the guitar and an Asian lilt to the vocals that makes me feel right at home. And which consequently, makes me love them even more! Some would say that ‘noise pop/rock is arguably the most pleasurable way to lose your hearing’. But there’s something about that ear-splitting white noise that I just find calming and soothing, albeit the fact that I might be slowly losing my hearing. I dunno, I'm just weird like that. Sharesprings doesn’t overburden their songs with excessive guitar noise (or maybe a tad, jeez I AM losing my hearing), in fact they fix in just about enough to satisfy your craving while not overwhelming their melodic twee pop undertones that they’re just exceptionally good at creating.
At this time, they’ve only released one demo, though I hear an EP might be on the way. So here’s all I can offer you for now. But try ‘em all, coz they’re all incredible.
|mp3| Sharesprings - Unclouded|mp3| Sharesprings - Ceiling Blossom|mp3| Sharesprings - Fix Your Eyes On