I remembered watching the Motorola advert, which was broadcasted in conjunction with the worldwide campaign to promote the new Motorola model, KRZR. It was a sunny-fueled, fun-packed, beautifully coloured commercial. Plus to match, it had one of the most fun and catchiest pop songs playing in the background. Curiosity did get the best of me, but the tune was so obscure and unfamiliar, and the way it seamlessly blends and mashes into each scenes, lead me to conclude that this was a track made especially for the advert.
Time passes and one thing lead to another, till I finally discovered recently, which you guys probably knew earlier and better than I do, that the Motorola advert theme song was in truth a song created by Michigan based twee indie-poppers, the Icicles, who has been favourably compared to the likes of Camera Obscura and the Concretes. The Icicles carry the spirit of fun-filled, optimistic-driven pop jingles so well on their sleeves. Cheery, melodic, pop gems strewn with bitter sweet lyrics, and their share of unabated love for pure, simple, unadulterated, pop music, is what truly sends the music of this band straight for your heart. Of course, there are songs like ‘La Ti Da’ which borders between sweet and cloying, but apart from that, it’s just another song that makes you want to tap your toes and sing along to it. Yup, it’s called the simple joys of pop music.
|mp3| The Icicles - Sugar Sweet|mp3| The Icicles - La Ti Da|mp3| The Icicles - Whirling