Couple is a pop foursome that’s been around for ages, in fact if you guys probably know them more than I do, I wouldn’t be surprised. Defining the music of Couple as power pop may be somewhat misleading, when their music really sounds as if it comfortably nestles between bubblegum pop that’s so sweet it hurts and pure textures of garage rock. The music of the quartet oozes with ebullient joy that trickles from their catchy, rhythmic hooks and charming vocal melodies. These guys seem to have perfected their knack in the joys of merry music-making over the course of their career, which btw have spanned more than a decade. So, what else are you waiting for? Go on, give it a try!
++ MySpace
The Bourjuis
Here’s another band worth taking note of called the Bourjuis, whose music you could mistake for unreleased demo tracks or basement recordings of Alex Turner from Arctic Monkeys. It’s amazing because the band is absolutely nailing the music by the Arctic’s; from the thick, rock-revival riffage to the raspy vocal contours of Alex Turner. But, I’m getting ahead of myself. Why don’t you guys be the judge-- take a listen.
++ MySpace