Here are some ‘Best Records and Songs of the Year List’, pulled out of the hat, by some of the more recognized zines:
- Pitchfork declared their love for Panda Bear’s Person Pitch for best record and LCD Soundsystem’s ‘All My Friends’ for the number one song in their Top 100 tracks for this year. Best news is, you can download all one hundred songs in zip format on Stereogum, and why is it a good idea for you to download the entire list-- so, you can keep’em and be reminded on what made 2007 so great, is why. (Turns out the links have been taken down, what a shame)
- Filter looooves Radiohead.
- While Paste chose the National’s Boxer.
- NME magazine just can’t get enough of Klaxons.
- Spin thinks Against Me!’s New Wave was the best this year.
- Rolling Stone, surprisingly went for M.I.A’s Kala-- huh.
- And Time magazine bowed to Amy Winehouse.
- And of course, don’t dare to not check out the Gummy Award winners on Stereogum, and find out who people voted to be on the top spot.
Amusing how very different and yet, not so different all these lists are, the same band just keeps popping up again and again, annoyingly at spots in the charts where they don’t deserve to be-- according to Stereogum readers that is.
On the other hand, I didn’t make my best records list, but what I did do is a Top 20 Songs of 2007, which unfortunately I will post up neither the mp3s nor the list itself, for that matter. Let’s just say, the number one song is Radiohead’s ‘Nude’, and the list is very much dominated by Electrelane with 3 songs and Panda Bear with two songs (they’re just so fuckin’ awesome). Some of my choices are really unexpected that could really make you cry, while some others are just downright plain predictable. Why are there bands that are repeated so many times in a top 20 list-- well, maybe I didn’t listen to enough records this year, but then again, maybe I did, but these are the ones that just couldn’t be beaten.