That brief period of time spent being apart of the house team for a play production taught me a fair bit about the songs contained in ‘My Fair Lady’ the Musical. Other times, it was rather agitating solely for the reason that, that particular track list was the only music that I would only listen to for weeks on end. Good thing that the music wasn’t all that bad. No really, I actually enjoyed listening to the songs; although one can only take so much. Parts of me are glad that it’s all over – for good.

When the ‘English RnB’ band, Mr. Hudson and the Library chose to make a cover from one of the famous songs composed for the musical, and release it as one of the tracks in their album, not to mention as the first track, comes as no surprise at all. Lead singer, Ben Hudson or otherwise known as the English Lit major from Oxford is none other paying homage to his scholarly years while combining it with contemporary RnB tunes, thus inventing a somewhat irregular but still enjoyable track. Sound effects of cars honking and driving through at the back, makes me visualize a modern day, full-of-swagger Freddy Eynsford-Hill all dapper in a trilby hat and baggy pants, walking down an urban street (on-the-street-where-she-lives), who seems completely lost but simply refusing to ask for directions. Did I mention ‘modern day’ Freddy?
|mp3| Mr. Hudson & the Library – On the Street Where You Live