There’s not much to say about this band except the fact that they constantly maintain a low profile and that they conjure up exceptionally good pop numbers which have yet to tire my listening. In ‘Stacking Up Reasons’, the melody is catchy and the rhythm is simple and it sustains at that level – neither going uphill nor downhill - for the whole 2 minutes. If you’re a person who lacks in attention, you probably wouldn’t even notice it playing in the background albeit it still being a good pop song nevertheless. However, I find that I enjoyed every second of it due to its slight 60s flair - which I can never get enough of - and the modest restrained tones. ‘Emmawood’ on the other hand is entirely different; it’s much slower and utilizes the vocals of female vocalist, Melanie Glover which better suited the mood. It may come off as somewhat downbeat and solemn, but still preserving the simplicity and the ‘exceptionally good’ factor that makes it a great listen every time.
|mp3| Buildings Breeding – Stacking Up Reasons
|mp3| Buildings Breeding – Emmawood
Both tracks are available in their self-titled debut released last January this year.