There are a lot of things that I miss doing lately.
I miss taking photos with film.
I miss reading.
I miss writing.
I miss having actual lunches during an office lunch break.
I miss having a regular sleeping schedule. (somewhat)
I miss drinking coffee in the morning.(I only do that during the weekends, on other days I usually have my daily fix at around 11pm-ish, local time. Or whatever time is considered as morning in Riverwoods, Illinois.)
But now, 8 days into the new year, hopefully things will start to look better and I'll be able to allocate more time to do things that I've been missing.
That said, all in all, 2011 was not a bad year. There isn't much to complain. (Or so it would seem)
The past year has been filled for the most part by music from albums such as Strange Mercy
In addition to that, one film that I thought a lot about in 2011 was this. For some very deep and emotional reason, I feel really well connected to it. Moving stuff. You should watch