I’m not sure what exactly draws me into music like these, but I love the pairing of softly muffled, lyrics with treble-heavy, fuzzed up, noise rock structures, that result in ear-splitting tunes. Do I delight in the ecstasy of noise? Not so much as I’m more interested in what’s layered beneath it. Dressing up authentically impressive melodies with distortions and strident effects is an unconventional way of approaching the process of recording music. Music that’s given the lo-fi treatment generally creates a stripped-down, intimate quality and obscurely sung words are usually to me, are undemanding of your attention-- it doesn’t feel staged which makes it sound more sincere.
That pretty much justifies why I love this particular track, which if I may warn you, isn’t meant for the faint at heart. Besides, isn’t that a Raveonettes t-shirt that the guy is wearing? Already, the band is showing a great deal of promise…