It’s unlikely of a band like Sigur Rós to come up with a creation such as this one, but listening to the record, confirms that these are unmistakably the sounds of Iceland rock quartet that we’ve came to know and love. Songs sounds smaller in scale when the album first commences with two of the most dynamic, vigorous tracks from the record. Even when it carried on to the next slower piece, the lacking of some grandiosity that’s commonly attached to the band seems in shortage. Closer to the middle, the band managed to pick it up with the impressive, striking centerpiece, ‘Festival’, returning to its roots with the quintessential Sigur Rós tune.
It’s best to allow the music from Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust (translation: "with a buzz in our ears we play endlessly"), to fully sink in before able to take this album in as a whole. You’ll discover that the songs are as glorious as always, sparse and spacious, soaring and ethereal, and never short of an epic quality, which a band like Sigur Rós seems to do quite so well.