I don’t listen to the radios that much these days; because they clearly never play what I want to listen to. So, when my sister pointed out that
‘Light & Easy’, yes, there’s a radio station called ‘Light & Easy’ here in Malaysia, included this Feist cover of a Bee Gees 1979 hit, in their playlist, I have to admit, I was a bit impressed. Maybe I should return to the old days where I use to devote myself to constant radio listening…… or maybe not.
So I’ve read, that many people wasn’t even aware that the song ‘Inside and Out’ was a cover, let alone a cover from a song by Bee Gees previously entitled ‘Love You Inside and Out’. Feist’s personal alterations completely disguised the true nature of the song as she brilliantly executes each note; she couldn’t have done a more stunning job. I admit, I’m quite familiar with some of the tunes by Bee Gees, but listening to this, made me want to remember so badly how the original had sounded-- it’s just so damn different!

I’m also throwing in another delicious Feist track, the remix version by Britt Daniel from Spoon of ‘I Feel It All’, which is the best version of ‘I Feel It All’, I’ve ever listened to. Bringing out the less noticeable parts in the song, and making it appear the least bit you expect it. I mean, I knew the song was good, but I didn’t know it was this good; a job well done.
|mp3| Feist - Inside and Out (Bee Gees cover)
|mp3| Feist - I Feel It All (Britt from Spoon Remix)